A Riverside Proposal

When Don called me about a month ago, I had a feeling I knew the reason before he even said it. I managed to contain my squeal when he said the words I was waiting for, "I want to propose to Kendra, and I want you to take pictures."

Fast forward a couple weeks to last Friday. Two ideas bounced around, two more phone calls and a handful of frantic texts later, we had a plan for Saturday.  It was an absolutely beautiful evening in Lambertville, complete with my husband second shooting, my stepdaughter as the look out, and even some fun with walkie-talkies. Not only was Kendra surprised by the proposal, Don had her great-grandmother's ring, and a handmade wooden box that he's been working on for weeks! 

It was the perfect proposal and we are thrilled for them. Congrats again, Don and Kendra!